Department of Business Administration in M G R College


The Department of Business Administration was established in the year 1991. The department’s vision is to inculcate the managerial skills which best suit the requirements of industries such as Manufacturing, Services and Trading etc. The department has blossomed into a great centre for management learning with excellent infrastructure. The department has an effective interaction with industries in and around Hosur. A special mention is required here that managers from various leading industries like Titan, TVS etc have magnanimously contributed their services to the students of our department in terms of guest lectures.


Department of Business Administration in M.G.R College

Salient features

  • Provide good theoretical knowledge and managerial skills required for  better placements in Corporate
  • Industry exposure through internship, Industrial visits, Guest lectures, and Projects are under taken every year
  • Inculcates innovative and creative thinking among students to enhance their Entrepreneurial Skills
  •  Equip students by Conducting communication classes to nurture their Leadership, Teamwork skills and cross-cultural environment
  • Debate and Discussion forums, Case study analysis on Management prospects
  • To sharpen the students knowledge on emerging trends in business through the newspaper and magazines.
  • Empower the young womens especially from the rural background through women empowerment programmes
  • The department provides 2 value added courses  on Business Skills and Entrepreneurial Skills to enhance their knowledge in Business Studies
  • The students regularly undertake various in-plant trainings and project works in order to enhance their potential & capabilities on real time business scenarios.
  • Our students have also bought many laurels for the department by receiving many attractive places in various cultural and technical events conducted by different colleges.
  • Our department makes institutional training mandatory for all students during the course of their study