Mary Matha is the best way to discover your future…..
Only the best students in the world make it to the best graduate and business schools. An undeniable fact which makes the winning difference is the admission guidance they receive.
- Our strengths are proven and varied:
- A decade of experience as education specialists.
- Comprehensive knowledge of premier universities and schools.
- Individualized attention and approach for each student.

Mary Matha is the best way to discover your future…..
Only the best students in the world make it to the best graduate and business schools. An undeniable fact which makes the winning difference is the admission guidance they receive.

- Our strengths are proven and varied:
- A decade of experience as education specialists.
- Comprehensive knowledge of premier universities and schools.
- Individualized attention and approach for each student.

St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education Research Trust established Medical College Hospital in Hosur, Krishnagiri District, Tamilnadu with 600 bed (Proposed for 1000) and clinical departments. It has 24/7 Emergency, Triage, Major Operation Theatres, Minor Operation Theatres, Radio Diag nosis, Blood Bank, preparation lab and clinical lab facilities. This will cater to the needs of nursing training students at higher standards.
St. Peter's Medical College, Hospital And Research Institute

St.Peter's College Of Allied Health Science & Research Institute

- B.Sc.Nursing
- General Nursing
- Physiotherapy
- B.Sc.Cardiac Care Technology
- B.Sc. Physician assistant
- B.Sc.Operation Theatre & Anesthesia Technology
- B.Sc. Radiology/ Imaging Technology
- B.Sc. MLT
- B.Sc. Accident & Emergency care Technology

St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education Research Trust established Medical College Hospital in Hosur, Krishnagiri District, Tamilnadu with 600 bed (Proposed for 1000) and clinical departments. It has 24/7 Emergency, Triage, Major Operation Theatres, Minor Operation Theatres, Radio Diag nosis, Blood Bank, preparation lab and clinical lab facilities. This will cater to the needs of nursing training students at higher standards.
St. Peter's Medical College, Hospital And Research Institute

- B.Sc.Nursing
- General Nursing
- Physiotherapy
St.Peter's College Of Allied Health Science & Research Institute

- B.Sc.Cardiac Care Technology
- B.Sc. Physician assistant
- B.Sc.Operation Theatre & Anesthesia Technology
- B.Sc. Radiology/ Imaging Technology
- B.Sc. MLT
- B.Sc. Accident & Emergency care Technology

Our Services
What We Do?
- Free educational counseling to students and parents regarding courses.
- We guide and prefer recognized and well known institutions.
- One to one career counseling, choosing & selecting courses, colleges & universities.
- Special guidance is offered to overseas students coming to colleges and universities in Karnataka.
- Seat reservation Facilities.
- Student accommodation.
- Pre-departure orientation.
Nursing Courses

BSc Nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) is a 4 year undergraduate course dealing with the development of skills, training, values and knowledge related ...

MSc/M.Sc Nursing or Master of Science in Nursing is a postgraduate degree program of 2 years that focuses on caring for the patients both physically or mentally .

General Nursing
Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) is a three-year programme aimed to prepare students to work effectively as members of the health team.

Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing (PB-B.Sc.) is a two-year undergraduate programme designed to inculcate an in-depth understanding of advanced level nursing.
MBBS Admission
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MBBS or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery is a 5 years 6 months undergraduate program in the medical field.
This is such a bachelor’s course, after which you get a doctor’s degree.Meaning, after doing this course, you will become a doctor and play various roles as a doctor.
As we know, the most critical job of a doctor is to maintain human health or to cure any disease. A doctor diagnoses a disease, injury, pain, etc. of the human body.
The MBBS course in India is of 5.5 years duration with 4.5 years of study and a 1-year compulsory internship.
Admission Enquiry Form